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Our NEW G30 and G20 lights have proved to be a BIG HIT with Stella Lights customers and We LOVE THEM too!!. ​
These lights encapsulate the warmth and spirit of the season like no other product.
Simply let us us know if you want a Globe light estimate on your Bookings Form on the "Additional comments" section.
Below you will find the latest prices and ideas for your Season's illuminations.

We still install our standard C9 & C6 bulbs, available in a multitude of colours (see below) and offer a variety of specialists lights too including Icicle lights, and beautiful hanging lights for your trees.
All lights mentioned on this page are Seasonal and we fully recommend taking them down at the end of each season. Make sure to pay a visit to the Gallery to see some of these lights in action.
Colours are available in-Warm White (golden hue), & Pure White (clear). ​If you are looking for something a little more colourful then-Red/Green, Red/Pure White or the Blue/Pure White combo’s are great!We also carry solid colours in-Red, Green, Blue and Multi Colour (red/green/blue/orange/yellow)
If you are interested in permanent lights please call us or drop us an email.
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